California Rescue
7th Jan 3304
The Alliance has announced that its operation to reclaim the supply lines connecting its California Nebula bases with the core systems has reached a successful conclusion.
The initiative followed a number of attacks on Alliance ships in and around the California Sector. The Dionysus-class agricultural vessel FGK-342 was among those targeted, near Gefjun’s Claim, the new Spinward Marches Hydroponics facility in the Synuefai LX-R d5-28 system. SMAC support vessels moved quickly to assist the stricken megaship and help fight off the attackers.
The campaign received the support of hundreds of independent pilots, who eliminated the pirates targeting the supply lines and recovered escape pods from ships destroyed by the agitators. Those rescued from the shipwrecks are now recovering at Darwin Research Facility in the California Sector BV-Y c7 system.